Sunday, June 27, 2010

The End of the Road...........

Wow I can’t believe we are actually done with this class already! I will truly miss all my classmates and professor. There has been so much more I can retain in my brain that I’ve learned with writing. But the one thing I have to say that I did enjoy was the blogging….who would have figured? Being able to do free writing on our blogs has been great because expressing what you may be feeling or how the week is going etc, is a sense of release. At first I was a little apprehensive about the whole blog site, just because I have never been the type of person to expose my feelings or personal life on the web. And its because of all the horrible stories you hear that people go through with web sites so you just try to stay away from anything that may not be safe, but I have to say this was harmless and turned out to be rather fun. So I will try to update it at least once a month…., but I cant make any promises because at the end of the day its still not my kind of thing!( hey I did at least try for this class) But best of luck to all my wonderful classmates at Kaplan and hope to have you in future classes!

P.S. Be careful on July 4th 2010, and try or take the pledge not to text and talk on the cell phone while driving! It can save lives.

Many Blessing


Monday, June 21, 2010

June 20, 2010 : Father's Day-/// (Daddy's Day)!

On this Father's Day which I call it " Daddy's Day" and towards the end of this blog you will read why.I am so thankful to have my Godfather as my dad, he is not my biological father (whom never did a thing for me my whole life) but he’s the only dad I’ve every known since I was six months of age! I made sure I made him feel special on this Father’s Day because he deserves it! He is one of those dads who does so much for any one and never ask for anything in return, and the best thing of all I can talk to him about anything and the advice is always on point and guides me in the best direction. My dad has portrayed all the qualities that a real man is suppose to have which is having integrity, staying humble, smart, loving, funny, honest, protecting and providing, keeping God first, helping family and friends, treating women right, I could go on and on…..but growing up watching how he showed these qualities in his everyday life, has guided me to find my future husband who has all those same qualities and morals. So I am so blessed to call him my Daddy. Its said that anyone can be a father and bring a child in this world but, it takes a real man to be a Daddy, and I love him for being that real man!

Dedicated to my Daddy: Ben

Many blessing, Racine

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Time and Money

People say these two things everyone wish they could get more of.........Time and Money!! That is the truth!This week I defiantly need more time cause of classes coming to an end. It seems like we just started this quarter and already its come to the end! I'm going to try real hard to get my Fathers day gift early instead of waiting to the last minute and end up with a gift like a flashlight or a pack of! Well wish I could wright more but Time is not on my side, gota go and get to work on my final paper!!!!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer Time

So this week going past our pool , you would think there will be several people in the pool or laying down catching the rays of the sun. That is so not the case, .... I think I have seen one person all week long, whats up with that? Well my family and I was not afraid to go to the pool and enjoy it all to our! My son who loves bath time at home was so not loving play time in the pool, it may have been the water was way to cool. But overall it was a great week full of sunny days. Looking forward to many more!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

It didn’t seem like a holiday weekend to me, I spent most of my time completing homework. And it also rained most of the day anyway. The best part of my time was spending time wit my kids and boyfriend. My kids were excited about going to the pool but of course it had to rain so what they did was take a blanket and laid it down on the floor and pretended they were jumping in and out which was the cutest moment ever! Oh to have a imagination of a kid!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Graduation 2010

So around this time its graduation time for most seniors in high schools. And this year my little cousin is in the graduating class of 2010. Im am so proud of her and all she has accomplished in these past four years. Its makes you feel old knowing someone you use to babysit and take care of is graduating from high school about to go on to college and start there life. But it also takes you back to when you were about to graduate and now you can tell those “When I was your age’’ stories, and give advice on what your plans were and how most of them you accomplished and what things went off track. But overall it feels like your life is actually starting after graduation, so my love goes out to my cousin on her journey to life!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Investing in a Daily Planner

This week has been what they call "one of those weeks"! So many things jumped up at once , and was due at once it was a bit over- whelming. I am starting to realize that I am only one person and I should stop making so many commitments to things. Sometimes I tend to schedule things without looking at other preplanned events; this coming up week I am going to dedicate my time to go to my local target or wal-mart and purchase a daily planner, so that way I can stay organized. I use to see people writting things down in those little books and think that was so dorky, but no I was the one that was the dork because I was trying to put my brain in overload trying to remember everything! But no longer will I put that extra stress on myself, .........daily planner here I come!!
Many Blessings ,